Illustration #2, Episode 01: For Sale: Gorgeous Five Bedroom on Wooded Estate with Au Pair Suite (And Evil Housemate)

“The scratching became intolerable. I had the pest company back out to the house and they insisted that we didn’t have a rat or mouse problem. The guy even said that with a house as old as ours we should have some sort of a bug or spider factor, but he didn’t even find that.’You’re lucky,’ he told me, ‘The critters don’t like your house.’
“There I was, chasing this noise all over the house every night, while Jake slept like a baby,” Becca shivered then said, “Then I saw a shadow on the stairs one night while I was trying to solve the whole scratching thing. I reasoned it away, but I didn’t follow the noise around after that. I stayed in bed.”

— Liz Sower, Creator and Author of Ghosts in the Burbs

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