
Illustration #11, Episode 10: Psychic

Ahh! Sorry this is much later than anticipated, I was ready to post last week, but I realized right as I was about to post, that I had skipped this story and went right to the following story, Me, My Demon, and My Demon’s Yellow Eyes. So I opted to skip posting last week, illustrate this episode and post it this week. Which thankfully puts me a week ahead drawing wise!

/end rant — on with the show…

“I enthusiastically took a cocktail napkin (navy blue with white starfish) and dug in. I actually, Mmmm’d, then asked, “What kind of a ghost story do you have for me?”
“I don’t know if you’ll think I’m mad,” she said.
“I’m not here to judge. Actually, I am hoping that you don’t think I’m a weirdo for wanting to hear your ghost story,” I replied.
“In all honesty, I’m relieved that you’re here, any insight you might be able to offer would be so appreciated,” she said then sipped her tea.
“I’ll do my best,” I replied then shoved an Oreo in my mouth. Sweet heaven above, why had these ever fallen out of my life?
Beth took a moment, then said, “This house is haunted, or maybe I should say, I am haunted.”

— Liz Sower, Creator of Ghosts in the Burbs

You can read the full story on the Ghosts in the Burbs blog.


Illustration #4, Episode 03: The Dump Swap

“I commented on her kitchen and took note of a sailor’s valentine perched on the countertop behind her. Inside a hexagonal wooden shadow box were gorgeously arranged shells, stones, and sea glass. The valentines were created by sailors in the eighteen hundreds and brought home to their sweethearts after travelling at sea for years at a time (i.e. killing off all the whales for oil).

This valentine held blue shells, green sea glass and stark white stones in a perfect wave-like pattern. A whale bone at the design’s center held one word, until, written in scrimshaw. We travelled to Nantucket every summer and I’d pined over the sailor’s valentines in the Whaling Museum. Such romantic gestures, so filled with longing and homesickness. This one was the most intricate, the most beautiful I’d ever seen.

“That is stunning,” I said, motioning to the valentine.
“Isn’t it?” Pam replied, “It’s the reason I asked you to come.”

— Liz Sower, Creator of Ghosts in the Burbs

You can read the full story here.


Illustration #3, Episode 2: Ouija, I Hardly Know Ya?

“Yeah, five of us used the board. We each put a hand on the planchette and started asking the classic Ouija Board questions, like, ‘Are there any spirits here with us?’ and ‘Can you give us a sign of your presence.’”

“Did anything happen?”

“The planchette moved to ‘yes’ twice and everyone swore they weren’t moving it. Then someone had the idea to ask a question that could be answered with numbers. Gary asked the spirit to tell us his house number. It was a good question actually because none of us knew the answer off the top of our heads, and I’ll be damned if the planchette didn’t spell out 1 – 9 – 9. His fucking house number!”

— Liz Sower, Creator of Ghosts in the Burbs

Click here to read the full story.
